
All of these screenshots are of Chrome OS Cherry. There are screenshots of Chrome OS running in VirtualBox and there are screenshots of Chrome OS running natively as well.

If you haven't heard of something or something doesn't make sense, read the page about Chrome OS: Chrome OS


These are all screenshots of Chrome OS running in VirtualBox.

Logging in

The login screen is the first thing you see after Chrome OS boots up. It looks kind of plain but it can be customized with fancy graphics.

Login Screen

This is the login screen. You just sign in with your gmail username and password.

Signing in

Once you put in your username and password Chrome OS signs you in. It only takes a few seconds.


Chrome OS is, for the most part, Chromium Web Browser.

First Run

Once you have signed in Chrome comes up with a few tabs pinned by default.


The Google Homepage.

App Page

If you click the Chrome orb in the upper left you get a page of apps. They are all web based apps so none of them run anything on your hard drive.


You can use any of the themes that you can with the regular version of Chrome but there are two that come with Chrome OS.

The Classic Theme

The Classic theme is the default Chrome theme.

The GTK+ Theme

The other theme that comes with Chrome OS is the GTK+ theme.

Other Themes

This is the Pencil Sketch theme.


These are all Chrome OS running natively.


The left button is the battery status button. The center one is the WiFi and Ethernet controls. The right one is the main menu.


This is in the terminal which you can get to by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T.

Window Overview

if you press F12 the window overview opens and you can see all of the open windows. You can also drag tabs in between windows or click the button in the bottom right to open a new window. In this screenshot a tab is being dragged to another window.

Keyboard Help

If you press F8 the keyboard shortcut help will come up. Press F8 again to hide it.

Keyboard Help - Keys Pressed

If you press some keys the help dialog will change to show the keyboard shortcuts that work with those keys. In this screenshot Ctrl + Alt is being pressed.